Bolton Crafts Association BCA

Artisans, customers & visitors to our events & shows are always keen to learn new skills, buy your amazing crafts or gifts and experience the ambiance of your shows. We could think of no better way to celebrate those talents, exchange ideas & share some inspiration for all your Arts & Crafts. Stallholders make these events. We don't charge for admission but rather visitors and your customers to experience the day! 

Raising needed funds for local Charities is so important, take Bolton Neuro Voices BNV as an example. As Registered Charity they provide first class help for anyone with a neurological challenge. 

'Our MD spent many years as General Manager of a well-known Arts & Crafts retailer until his MS forced a career change but he never lost his passion for the Art & Craft Industry. Please join us and share your unique products.'

Let us know if you are a named Charity and please include your Charity Number. It's FREE

'The craft industry has gone from strength to strength too. We have so many Artisans ready to exhibit and sell their wares. There are now over 3500 exhibitors on our mailing list and around 1200 visitors and customers to our website every month! Ask about Advertising with us!

If you would like to join our Mailing list as either an exhibitor or customer, we would love to hear from you.

Thank you

Neil Germaine


As MD, I run Bolton Crafts Association BCA to help highlight and inspire our artisans, crafters and exhibitors to showcase your amazing crafts & products! 

You work very hard making and creating and not usually getting paid for your valuable time, we aim to change that by working hard on your behalf ensuring Bolton Crafts Association (BCA) raise every profile. 
We will always be 'Not For Profit' too. We also help Local Charities raise needed funds.
Our stall prices are probably one of the lowest in Lancashire. We have around 1240 customers and visitors visit our website every month and over 3500 members. Advertising on here is very simple! 

Please remember, if you have booked & paid for one of our events as an Exhibitor, advertise on here up to and including the event, TOTALLY FREE OF CHARGE. Just email some photographs and contact details with your booking or direct to and we will do the rest! It's FREE and does not include any commission at all.

It's short term advertising and just a small way to say THANK YOU for supporting our business! 
